Talks & Posters
GEOBON — 2023 (Poster)
Poster for the GEO BON conference in Montreal, Canada 2023 which ended up winning the Best Poster Award. This poster summarizes research from the first chapter of my PhD which you can find here.

SOTM — 2023 (Poster)
Poster for Species On The Move 2023 in Bonita Springs, Florida.

QCBS — 2021 (Poster)
Back in Montreal for my PhD, I decided to attend the annual QCBS symposium to present my recently polished MSc work on tree range expansion, belowghround microorganisms and novel community assembly!

ESA — 2020 (Talk)
I was lucky enough to give a talk at the Ecological Society of America's annual meeting this year (2020). I decided to focus this talk on the spatial aspect of my research! Check it out below!

Sustainability Across Disciplines — 2020 (Talk)
I was nominated to give a presentation at a public based symposium hosted at Concordia University. The goal was to communicate the science (within the realm of sustainability) happening at the university to the public. As a result I tried to frame my project in more general terms, making sure to always come back to the real world importance of work like this. Let me know what you think?!