
First and foremost I love the outdoors. Spending time in nature is a favourite activity of mine. Weather its camping, hiking, kayaking, or surfing, being close to nature is both relaxing and rewarding. 

Field work is a great way for me to balance scientific interests with my passion for nature. I've spent time doing field projects in three continents, studying palaeontology, biodiversity, metabarcoding and biogeography. 

Travel is an amazing way to experience new things and broaden the horizons of our scientific and personal interests. Camping is a great way to travel on the cheap and I like investing  time and whatever I can afford in travel. My favourite place I've been is probably New Zealand, where I got to work at a private research institution on the south island for 3 months, camping and exploring every free moment away from work!

It's impossible to travel and not develop a passion for food. I love cooking and trying new things, especially when i can't pronounce them or actually don't know exactly what I'm digging into!

Photography is my main hobby. Taking pictures and capturing moments is a great way not only to remember my travels and experiences, but a photographer's mindset is also a great way to see beauty and novelty in our everyday life, constantly looking for the next great shot.

In my spare time, I love to block print! Mostly its just for fun and to get creative and work with my hands, but sometimes I sell some of my prints on my Etsy page!